Learn from one of the most highly trained instructors in Minnesota! "Don has a stellar reputation as an instructor in the Twin Cities area." - M.J. "Don's training exceeds all IDPA training requirements set by Twin Cities IDPA LLC, and is highly recommended." - R.J. MN Carry Permit Course: Approximately 6 hours long, this course is designed for people experienced with operating a handgun. Our course covers everything required by MN law, and more! Our course focuses on avoidance of potentially dangerous situations, possible responses to those situations, as well as the legalities in the use of lethal force. In addition, new shooting techniques are demonstrated, and students are given the opportunity to practice them. $110.00 + Range Fee Basic Pistol-Fundamentals for Marksmanship Basic safety and handling techniques, range safety, home safety, handgun selection, and dry practice techniques are covered. $65.00 + Range Fee Defensive Pistol Tactics 1 Now approved for MN POST Continuing Education Credit for LE Officers Holster work, reloading techniques, movement with a handgun, one handed, and support hand operation, and verbal compliance. $175.00 (Range fee included) Defensive Pistol Tactics 2 Advanced holster techniques, working with partners, cover and concealment, and advanced handgun manipulation. $175.00 (Range fee included) Utah Carry Permit Course is available. Please contact us for details.
MDL Certified Training at Affordable Prices |